We believe the best way to sell yourself is to identify and highlight your accomplishments throughout your work experience and education. It can be hard to take the step back and “boast” about what you have accomplished. JRR Coaching specializes in working with you to produce effective, hard-hitting resumes that attract attention. In today’s marketplace, your resume is constantly competing with hundreds of other qualified people. We work with YOU to make YOU stand out.

Individuals looking for jobs often get trapped into packaging themselves for their last job, rather than their next opportunity. JRR Coaching works with you as an individual to understand what your capabilities, strengths, experience, and ACCOMPLISHMENTS really are and then help you prepare effective, successful resumes. We also work with you to tailor your resume and cover letters to specific employment opportunities.

Your resume tells YOUR story: The story that sells you and differentiates you from other candidates.

We can help you get started and let you go from there, or we can work with you throughout the job-hunting process, even helping to evaluate specific job opportunities as they might relate to you. Looking for a job, especially if you are unemployed, is a daunting and draining procedure, and JRR Coaching experts can help you overcome the inevitable challenges and barriers.

Contact us today at to learn more and set up a no-cost discovery session